Mater-Bi is a versatile, innovative, biodegradable and compostable granulate, created and produced by NOVAMONT of Italy.

Novamont Group is world leader in the production of bioplastics, and the development of biochemicals and bioproducts through the integration of chemistry, the environment and agriculture.

Mater-Bi is produced using propriety technologies and is predominantly comprised of starches, cellulose, vegetable oils and their combination. Specifically formulated to guarantee full biodegradation and composting conditions.

Novamont provides low environmental impact solutions for everyday products like carrier bags, cutlery, cups, straws etc.




  • Compostable and biodegradable
  • Manufactured from sustainable and renewable resources
  • Can be recycled with no adverse effect on recycling
  • Is a Bioplastic and has a recycling symbol 7



  • Biodegration slows down when not in the right enviroment i.e. heat and oxygen





  • Novamont is a key partner of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, promoting the vision to eliminate plastic.
  • Mater-Bi is certified by the certification bodies, in accordance with the main European & International Standards.
  • Mater-Bi is 100% compostable according to the European standard UNI EN 13432.
  • Mater-Bi is certified compostable by TUV Austria, under certificate number TA8011903613. (TUV Austria is the world’s leading certifier of bioplastics and composability).
  • This certification confirms that Mater-Bi conforms to the EU harmonized standard for compostable packaging EN 13432.
  • The European standard EN 13432 “Requirements for packaging recoverable through composting” requires at least 90% disintegration after 12 weeks, and 90% biodegradation (CO2 evolvement) in 6 months. This includes tests on ecotoxicity and heavy metal content.
  • Scientific Research Confirms The Marine Biodegradability Of Mater-Bi.
  • Polyethylene and Polypropylene are non-biodegradable traditional polymers and are not used  to produce Mater-Bi.




  • Disintegration. After 12 weeks, no more than 10% of material fragments are allowed to be larger than 2mm.
  • Biodegradability. A measure of the actual metabolic, microbial conversion, under composting conditions, of the packaging sample into water, carbon dioxide and new cell biomass.
  • Absence of any negative effect on the composting process.
  • Low levels of heavy metals and no adverse effect of the quality of compost produced.
  • The composted material must not have an adverse effect on the bulk density, PH, salinity, volatile solids, nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and ammonium characteristics of the compost.




Can Mater-Bi be recycled with plastic should it end up in recycling?

  • Mater-Bi can enter the conventional plastic recycling stream without having any negative effect on the quality of the recycled.


Is corn starch an ingredient?

  • Yes, industrial corn starch is an ingredient. NB! Industrial corn starch that is not suitable for human or animal consumption and in no way competes for food crops or poses a risk to food security.


Is Mater-Bi just an additive to plastic?

  • No. Oxo-degradable additives are added to conventional plastic and then claim to be biodegradable. These additives have since been banned in Europe. These are now prohibited.